My Friends Garages 1
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I made a shout out asking for submissions...

So all you submissives send me pictures of your garages. We all love our garages, we take pride in them. So send me a picture or two (more if your garage really rocks) and include a paragraph about it or funny story about something that happened in it.

Ryan is a friend and fellow scooter racer...
Ryan has a 1 car garage that he keeps chock full o' cult bikes! He manages to keep 3 Bikes and 3 Scooters in there.
Grace is a Sexy Scooterchick in Chicago
Her love of scooters is only eclipsed by her penguin fetish.
Mike Taylors Certainly Makin' the best of what he's got!
Here is my one car garage mess .Thank god my wife is letting me build a 30x40 garage in spring!

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